Firearms Information

The Medford Township Police Department is not authorized to provide legal advice to private parties.

The Medford Township Police Department is dedicated to the needs and concerns of our citizens and our intent is to process Firearm ID Cards and purchasers permits as much as we can during this public health emergency.

The FARS application is currently functioning with the 212A form and the mental health checks.

For informational purposes only, New Jersey firearm laws and procedures may be derived from state and federal statutes, state and federal administrative codes, New Jersey Attorney General guidelines and case law. Please note that this information and these references may not be exhaustive in addressing your issue.

The state criminal statutes sections that pertain to firearms can be found in New Jersey Title 2C, Chapter 39. Firearms, Other Dangerous Weapons and Instruments Of Crime (N.J.S. 2C:39-1 et seq.) and Chapter 58. Licensing and Other Provisions Relating to Firearms (N.J.S. 2C:58-1 et seq.).

The state administrative codes sections that pertain to firearms can be found in New Jersey Administrative Code Title 13, Chapter 54. Firearms and Weapons (N.J.A.C. 13:54-1 et seq.).

For firearms related questions, please go to the NJSP, Firearms Information Link.

For firearms related forms, please go to the NJSP, Firearms Forms to Download Link.

For frequently asked questions, please to to the NJSP, FAQS link.

Medford Twp Police Firearms Information

Online NJSP STS-033 New Jersey Firearms ID Application Form

You will need Medford Township’s ORI number which is:  NJ0032100 to confirm the agency name as MEDFORD TWP PD.  You can use this for the following types of NJ Firearms purposes:

  • Initial is for new applicants who have never received a FID card from any jurisdiction in the State of New Jersey

  • Lost/Stolen/Mutilated are for applicants who have previously received a FID card from Medford Township  and need a replacement card

  • Change of Address is for applicants who have previously received a FID card from another jurisdiction and need a card with their current Medford Township address.

  • Permit to Purchase a Handgun(s):  select the number of permits (there is no limit to the quantity).  Selected in combination with any of the above choices.

Complete all required fields in all tabs and ensure that you are accurately inputting the information.  Incorrect information or errors may cause the applicant to have to reapply (for example entering “Joe” instead of “Joseph” for your formal name) and there are no refunds issued for application errors.  Leave the SBI# blank if you do not know it, the system will find your information.  There is a review page prior to submitting the application, please review it carefully so that you can edit any mistakes.  Print the application at the end of the process for your records. Some editing is permitted after submission but only by a Medford Twp. Police Officer, contact the officer at the bottom of this page and do not submit a second application. 

Upon finalizing the application and, depending if you have been previously fingerprinted for FIREARMS, you will either be directed to the state vendor for fingerprint services or the New Jersey portal page for criminal history checks. If you are an initial firearms applicant, you must be fingerprinted regardless of any other form of fingerprinting completed previously.  It is mandatory to print the fingerprint form, take it with you to the fingerprinting location you selected for your appointment, and retain the receipt provided until your NJFID/permits processing is completed.  Failure to be fingerprinted within 90 days of your application submission will result in an administrative termination and will necessitate a new application plus repayment of any/all fees.  Previously fingerprinted persons for firearms purchasing purposes will be directed to the NJ portal for a 212A criminal history check.

Payments: Cash (exact amount) and checks made out to Medford Township are the only two payment options accepted at this time. Please refer to the fee schedule posted on the New Jersey State Police website or links listed above.

Please contact Sgt. Christopher Walsh at 609-654-7511 (x134) or by email at for any questions pertaining to firearms applications only after visiting NJSP FAQ page listed above. The Medford Twp. Police department is UNABLE to provide updates on the status of an application.