Professional Responsibility

The effectiveness of any law enforcement agency is dependent upon public approval and acceptance of police authority. To that end, the Medford Township Police Department is committed to providing formal procedures for the processing of complaints regarding individual officer performance.

The Medford Township Police Department maintains an internal affairs function consistent with the guidelines established by the New Jersey Attorney General. All citizen complaints will be accepted and investigated. Complaints against officers shall be accepted in person, over the phone, in writing, through a third party, or anonymously. Complaints will be accepted at any time regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or immigration status.

The Chief of Police ultimately bears the responsibility for the internal affairs function. Currently, the internal affairs function falls under the Office of Professional Responsibility, headed by Capt. William Dunleavy.   He may be reached by phone at (609) 654-7511 x121 or via email at

Should you wish to file a complaint, you may complete the online form below. Or download the form in your native language and either mail it to 91 Union Street Medford, NJ 08055 or you can email them to or


Major Discipline Summary Report

In accordance with AG Directive 2021-6 and the revised June 2021 Internal Affairs Policies & Procedures (“IAPP”) requires agencies to publish information regarding officers who receive major discipline. Agencies are also required to submit this information to the Attorney General and to their County Prosecutor. The agency is required to identify all officers during the relevant time period who received major discipline, which is defined as termination, demotion, or suspension of more than five days.

The Medford Township Police have no major discipline to report for the reporting period of January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.